Two nights ago, I started taking out all the laces pieces I have and sewed them onto felts in different colours. Then I glued each finished piece to the back of all my headbands.
My husband became curious and wondered why I seemed to be "wasting" something so beautiful when it should be shown on the outside rather than the inside.
I asked if he has heard of the famous red-soled Louboutin heels. Of course he had not, but I still had to ask, and told him how people easily recognise which shoes are from Louboutin (for pirated versions, that is for customs officers and experts to tell) even from a fair distance.
I have wanted something recognisable and have been thinking for quite some while how I should have it done. It was when I was driving home one morning, after taking my girls to school, that I thought of making good use of those exquisite laces left from doing my wedding veil.
And I also remember this little incidence. About a decade ago, I purchased this beautiful wool sweater with an unbelievably beautiful lining in lace. It was very stunning because I never expected that someone would spend such an amount of time and thoughts on doing a lining that was not to be seen on the outside. It has, however and forever, changed my work ethics: there are details for others to see and appreciate, but there shall always be details for you yourself to see and remember.
Alas, the birth of my signature.
My husband became curious and wondered why I seemed to be "wasting" something so beautiful when it should be shown on the outside rather than the inside.
I asked if he has heard of the famous red-soled Louboutin heels. Of course he had not, but I still had to ask, and told him how people easily recognise which shoes are from Louboutin (for pirated versions, that is for customs officers and experts to tell) even from a fair distance.
I have wanted something recognisable and have been thinking for quite some while how I should have it done. It was when I was driving home one morning, after taking my girls to school, that I thought of making good use of those exquisite laces left from doing my wedding veil.
And I also remember this little incidence. About a decade ago, I purchased this beautiful wool sweater with an unbelievably beautiful lining in lace. It was very stunning because I never expected that someone would spend such an amount of time and thoughts on doing a lining that was not to be seen on the outside. It has, however and forever, changed my work ethics: there are details for others to see and appreciate, but there shall always be details for you yourself to see and remember.
Alas, the birth of my signature.
A little baby blue ribbon is sewn on the laced felting backing for all bridal items.
These laces are definitely not ironed on, they are sewn on the felt one
stitch after another, sometimes taking hours to complete.
Since all eyes must be on the needle and the laces,
Since all eyes must be on the needle and the laces,
I am sacrificing my TV time and my husband, after a few rounds of
training, finally masters the skill of reading out the silent scenes
when no conversations take place between the actors
in movies I am interested but cannot afford time to
watch, with my own eyes.
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